16 September 2023 @ 10:00 – 13:00
Paradise Fields

Beavers will be here soon! We are doing a big last push to prepare the site ahead of the Beavers’ arrival. Join the effort, cheer us on, and more importantly learn more about our soon-to-be Beaver neighbours!

Groups will be helping with tasks such as preparing a native hedge, litter picking, and path maintenance.

Meet at Paradise Field’s car park (near the McDonalds) by the underpass at 10:00. If you arrive later, please seek us out throughout Paradise Fields. Stay as long as you want. Bring water and wear weather-appropriate clothing and footwear.

Although the project has received significant funding, we have three gaps that we’d love to have funded before the Beaver’s arrival in mid-October.

1. a community mural project that will showcase the biodiversity and complexity of a Beaver wetland

2. interpretive signage across the site to include interactive learning opportunities, fixed point photography stations and dynamic information points using QR codes

3. a secure lock-up storage facility to store educational and ecological equipment, tools and clothing for volunteers.

If you can, please donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ealing-beaver-project-needs-your-help

Thank you.

NB – All under 18’s must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.