Starling Murmuration

8 January 2023 @ 13:30 – 17:00
RSPB Otmoor
Otmoor Ln
Oxford OX3 9UR


Join us to see an amazing winter wildlife spectacle, a murmuration of thousands of starlings coming into reedbeds to roost for the night, swirling and massing against a glorious sunset. Well, that’s what we’re hoping will happen and we’ve certainly got lucky in the past. RSPB Otmoor is a wonderful reserve where we’ll also see lots of waders, wildfowl, raptors, possibly Barn Owls and hares and plenty more. Suggest meeting at 1.30pm in Otmoor car park, cars leaving Ealing at 12.30pm or so. If you can drive and offer a lift please do so in the comments. Car park has limited space. We usually have a drink (and toilet breaks) in the local pub 5 minutes away afterwards (before too, no toilets on reserve). For all ages and experience, this is a great outing for beginner birdwatchers to learn more, we have binoculars and telescopes and bags of enthusiasm to show you all of the species and how to tell them apart. It will be muddy even on the paths and there is a fair amount of walking involved. Wrap up warm, and wear sensible footwear. Happy to answer questions in comments too. Sean will be leading.

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  1. Annetta

    Is this still on today? I’ve just noticed the rain and wasn’t sure if people were still planning on this venture